Thursday, October 21, 2010

UK Sharia Chief – There Is No Such Thing As Rape Within Marriage

"I asked Sheikh Sayeed whether he considered non-consensual marital sex to be rape.

“No,” he replied. “Clearly there cannot be any ‘rape’ within the marriage. Maybe ‘aggression’, maybe ‘indecent activity’.”

He said it was “not Islamic” to classify non-consensual marital sex as rape and prosecute offenders, adding that “to make it exactly as the Western culture demands is as if we are compromising Islamic religion with secular non-Islamic values.”
Read Here
Hat tip: Closet Coservative

For Fuck's Sake. These people can't live in a Western Society.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tolerance and Diversity: Teaching Girls That Misogyny And Beatings Are An Honor

"While leftist feminists (femisogynists) continue to screech about perceived systematic misogyny in America, all made up out of whole cloth, we are encouraged to teach our daughters to respect Islam and Sharia Law.  We are expected toworship at the altar of Better Than You ™ multiculturalism. And we are to ignore the actual oppression and subjugation of women in the Muslim world – and of Muslim women here in America. Because, George W. Bush. And oil or something."
Read here.
Hat tip:

More upsetting stuff: 

The Left: Misogyny Apologists Under the Guise of Tolerance

...and just a bit more:
It is bigotry to assume the worst about someone because he or she is a Muslim. But is it not equally odious to draw a veil over our ability to acknowledge those Islamic practices that are inimical to such Western values as equality and free speech, and to seek to shame those who dare criticize or even raise questions? We should not meekly accept that, as Bernard Lewis, the great scholar of the Middle East, has observed, “Islam enjoys an immunity from critical examination that Christendom has lost and Judaism never had.”

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Their Poor Little God...

Shouldn't God be strong enough to defend himself on his own? (Shouldn't God be strong enough so that nothing we humans do can pose a threat to Him, let alone offend him...?)
If so, then what the fuck is wrong with the Muslims? Why do they go histerical, as if their god was a poor little defenseless wretched god? That's how sure they are on their faith?

Hat Tip: Simply Jews

“If you can’t understand satire...

 “If you can’t understand satire – whether it mocks exalted professors or exalted prophets - then jump on the next camel and get the hell out of the country. This is America, not a Muslim theocracy."
Enrique Chagoya.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Now it becomes clearer the Unholy Alliance between IslamoNazis and EcoFascists as outlined here...