Sunday, March 27, 2011

Why Do They Slaughter?

To understand whence comes their beastly mindset.
HT: Closet Conservative

What is common to Daniel Perl, Nick Berg, the Jews of Hebron in 1929 and the
Fogel family? They were butchered. They were not simply stabbed to death,
but were killed by an act designed to decapitate them or to cause fatal
bleeding by severing their carotid artery. Another common denominator: all
were slaughtered by Moslems. An endless list of Moslem girls and women can
be added to them, those who were similarly slaughtered by their brothers,
fathers or other relatives for “violating the family honor”. A question
that arises automatically is where does this Moslem tendency to this kind of
slaughter come from?
The answer is simple: Slaughter is a routine, widespread practice among
many Moslem families. Many children see how their fathers slaughter sheep
when celebrating an important event, and the whole family is present at the
sacrificial slaughter during Eid al-Adha, the Festival of Sacrifice, when
the slaughter is part of the holiday ritual.
In modern societies, the slaughter of animals for meat consumption takes
place in slaughterhouses, far from the eyes of the public and children, who
generally get their meat free of blood and hair and ready for cooking or
eating. This sterile arrangement spares the public the sight of the
slaughter, the blood and the accompanying cries. In the West, many of those
who witnessed animal slaughter become vegetarian.
In many Islamic societies, slaughter generally occurs at home, in front of
the children, and is part of the routine of life. They are immunized
against the sight of slaughter, are not moved by the blood dripping from the
animal’s neck and are not frightened by its snorts and struggles. In many
cases, the children hold the legs of the lamb in order to immobilize it
during slaughter; they sense very well its frantic reactions as the knife so
painfully slices through its neck. The presence and participation of the
children in the act of slaughter immunizes them emotionally against its
influence; when they are older they perform the custom of sacrifice with
their own hands and knives, and in front of their own children.
The emotional immunity to the act of slaughter allows a Moslem to utilize it
whenever he feels he must employ radical methods to rid himself of someone.
The slaughter of sheep during the Festival of Sacrifice is accompanied by
the recitation of “In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful”,
and the butchering of girls who do not behave properly is conducted as a
kind of execution ceremony. The slaughterer feels that he is doing
something important and worthy, acting in a way to which he is inured since
early childhood.
In western societies, slaughter seems barbaric, while members of Moslem
societies view it as proper and commendable when carried out within the
proper context. Therefore, slaughtering a Jew, a Christian or anyone seen
as an enemy is not considered unusual in traditional Islamic societies.
This is what professional jargon calls a “cultural difference”.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Ghouls and the Death Cult

Yes, they are ghouls...

HT: BlazingCatFur

How the UK Lost to Islamo-Fascism

HT: BlazingCatFur

Looks Quite Promising...

BlazingCatFur posts what seems to be a self-fullfilling promise:!/Palestinian.Intifada

Well, I'd say we are well on our way to a Muslim-free Facebook then, judging from the content posted on their page...

I'm hoping for the moment not only Facebook will be free from this ilk of infra-human scum...

News from the Death Cult

Aweys: Shabaab recruits 'underage children to fight for us'

It isn't every day that you get a terrorist leader to freely admit what an awful human he really is. Late last week, Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, a Shabaab commander and Specially Designated Global Terrorist with links to al Qaeda, proudly told how his organization recruits children to wage jihad. From Garowe:
"We recruit underage children to fight for us, the children are ready to die for their country and religion" said Sheikh Aweys while addressing people in a mosque at Elasha Biyaha camps in outskirt of Mogadishu, the restive capital of Somalia. He adds they will continue recruiting underage children to fight against Somali government forces and African Union troops. "There was an incident where 13 year fighter shocked when he heard the loud sounds of the artillery while he was fighting and he said the fighting is terrible but the Jihad is sweet and later he was dead in the clashes," said Aweys.
Keep in mind that some people think it would have been a good idea to have kept the Islamic Courts Union, which Aweys co-led, in power: the premise being that the ouster of the Islamic Courts Union in 2006 resulted in the rise of Shabaab. (I've addressed this false argument back in December 2008 and again in December 2009).
Also note that despite the ongoing African Union and Somali government offensive, top Shabaab leaders like Aweys are still able to hold press conferences and address worshipers at mosques in and around the capital.

Canada: shaking de chains of dhimmitude

HT: BlazingCatFur

Charter Not Excuse For Degrading Canadian Culture

Posted By gsmith1

4 days ago
The most poignant comment I have read on the topic of having primitive religious practices forced on our Canadian culture was written by Ezra Levant recently in the Toronto Sun. Mr. Levant pointed out that there have been 154 Canadian soldiers die and hundreds injured in Afghanistan. This Canadian sacrifice has been made not just to bring democratic freedom to Afghanistan but to ensure that girls, have a right to go to school, to listen to music and as human beings be treated as equals in a civilized world.
At the same time in Winnipeg a few Muslim immigrant families are demanding changes to the public school curriculum to accommodate their fundamentalist view of Islam. They don’t want their boys and girls to be in the same classes. They don’t want their children to hear music or singing in music classes. They are demanding these accommodations now. How long before they demand that there are no female teachers teaching their children?
Last fall the Ontario Court of Appeal ruled that Muslim women can ask for a courtroom to be cleared of all men (even the judge) before taking off their veils to testify. This accommodation of primitive religious practices is not the result of democratic legislation passed by the Canadian government and representing the democratic will of the Canadian people. The accommodation is being forced on Canadian culture by an over zealous judiciary that has no right in a democratic society to create law.
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms has been used as an excuse by the judiciary in forcing the accommodation of primitive religious practices, however, the Charter only guarantees freedom of religion. The first right in the Charter states “The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.” To me this would suggest that it would be reasonable not to allow the carrying of knives in our society. There is no justification for accommodating primitive religious practices that detract from the rights and freedoms already enshrined in our culture. In fact #27 says exactly that, “This Charter shall be interpreted in a manner consistent with the preservation and enhancement of the multicultural heritage of Canadians. Doesn’t that say that we will preserve the culture we have and enhance not detract from it. In conclusion #28 of the Charter states, “Notwithstanding anything in this Charter, the rights and freedoms referred to in it are guaranteed equally to male and female persons.”
Immigrants from many nations with diverse cultures have contributed to building the democratic, enlightened society we enjoy in Canada. There is no need for an advanced, civilized culture such as exists in Canada to be degraded in order to accommodate immigration. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Trouble with Islam.

This news item embodies what is, in my view, the trouble with Islam. Let's see:
A Muslim, Muzzammil Hassan, sets up a TV station (Bridges TV"to counter negative stereotypes of Muslims". Fine. Let's set aside that the TV station used to attack and defame Israel and the jews
In 2009 Muzzammil beheaded his wifeAasiya Zubair. And then he went on to alleged that he was the victim of domestic abuse, and in fact acted in self-defense.
He wanted to portray the positive side of Muslims awhile living up to its darker side.
Hipocrisy, lies, deceit, cowardice, brutality. That's the trouble with Islam. A primitive, barbaric Death Cult.