Thursday, June 28, 2012

"Anonymous" defends Islamo-Nazi Hacker

According to the following news item, one Ali Hassan aka Mr.Badoo has been detained by the FBI because he hacked into somebody´s PC to remove a Drawing Prophet Muhammad event on Facebook.
So another hacker by the name Hitcher, in retaliation, hacked into...Israel's Ministry of Finance.
Laughing, satirizing or criticizing a religion is a right. Nay, it's a must. If you don't like that we draw your prophet Mohamad, then don't watch. You can't stop us. You've no right. This Badoo used force by means of hacking in order to  violate the right to free speech. And "Anonymous" sides with him?
Moreover, another hacker defaces a Christian website. That seems to be OK.
These guys might know much about PC's, but have no clear idea about the world.
These are spoiled brats trying to appear as revolutionary, but choosing the easy blank. Why don't they fight against the Iranian fascist theocracy, the corrupt and bloody Chinese regime, or the Russian or Bielorussian regimes?
These are script kiddies on an ego-boosted voyage of self.importance...